This is What I Eat For The Day
May 23, 2013

(small to medium)
I went to the Asian shop
and saw this
I bought one and then
bought another 1
at about 6 PM
*1 Sous Vide Pork Chop (Thin cut)
*3 1/2 c cauliflower fried rice
(with sweet potatoes, celery, mushrooms, garlic granules, braggs liquid aminos and olive oil)
*1 and 1/2 c grapes midday
*1 c grapes while watching the movie at night
I soaked it in water and then rinsed it
*1 c thin corn chips freshly cooked
My partner got some chips 'to go' and left it in the car
I saw it while in the car and ate the rest
Note: I will Look at my fears and desires underlying my choice of food, in the coming blogs
'The energy of fear takes the physical body and so ones beingness into a resonant state of stress and tension and when one move ones sound in the self-forgiveness as a gentle soft depth, assist and support with that change of energy and its consequence to self stability in the physical body... '
'What is fascinating about desire is also its often or frequent attachment to fear in that one will be in a desire but at the same time there will be a fear as well in how one get into that internal conflict for a moment - i want to but i don't but i can't stop myself, oh and there i go and then one give in to the particular specific desire...'
'The energy of fear takes the physical body and so ones beingness into a resonant state of stress and tension and when one move ones sound in the self-forgiveness as a gentle soft depth, assist and support with that change of energy and its consequence to self stability in the physical body... '
'What is fascinating about desire is also its often or frequent attachment to fear in that one will be in a desire but at the same time there will be a fear as well in how one get into that internal conflict for a moment - i want to but i don't but i can't stop myself, oh and there i go and then one give in to the particular specific desire...'
From the Interview: When Desire becomes Overwhelming
A select portion of the population chooses to carry the risk of medical expenses themselves rather than buying into an insurance plan. is moe's good for diabetic