Living E-book

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cooked Pumpkin Pie Mathematics: Quesy Stomach Part 6 Day 38 : Behaviour Dimension: Texture, Smell and Taste


In my last blog, I wrote about the reaction dimension/layer of when i see the  pumpkin pie on the table.
In this blog, I am looking at my behavior- quesy stomach. looking away - when in front of the pumpkin pie.
 I am using elementary mathematics to show how I 'subtract value' to the pumpkin pie instead of seeing its real value as equal to Life.
I am using self-forgiveness,  writing a commitment script and moving myself breath by breath moment by moment  to correct myself  as i birth myself as equal to and one with Life.

Behavior Dimension


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 

to not see how much the mind or energy

 can change the body 

with the amount of adrenalin and nervousness that my

'fear of getting fat'  

and 'fear of mushy texture'

manifest in the body 

when i see a cooked pumpkin pie

where i use the mind 

to manipulate the body

to justify my desires within blame

blaming the pumpkin pie 

for causing a quesy stomach, so looking away

not realizing it is me as the mind

connecting the texture of the pumpkin 

to the texture of feces 

connecting it to bad smell

connecting it to bad taste

'fearing a negative experience' 

activating a memory  of when i saw feces 


the 'bad smell' that

i connected to garbage

which i connected to virus and bacteria

which i connected to being sick etc.

activating the characters within my mind

which originated from my 'fear of feces and fear of fat'

Fear of feces as

'fear of bad smell'
'fear of mushy texture'
'fear of no distinct shape'
 'fear of bad taste'
'fear of bacteria'
'fear of excreted body waste'
'fear of death/not existing'
'fear of sickness'
'fear of viruses'
'fear of being useless'
'fear of being helpless'
'fear of negative energy experience'

Fear of Fat as

 'fear of not being desired'
 'fear of being inferior'
'fear of not having a relationship'
 ' fear of being alone'
  'fear of being sad'
'fear of being  not having sex'
'fear of not being able to dress up and attend events'
'fear of being useless'
 'fear of being helpless'
'fear of not existing as the mind character that i believe i am'
'fear of a negative energy experience'

fears that i do not want to face
as the evil me 
fearing a negative energy experience

wanting the easy way out

running from my fears 

to rather experience a 'positive energy experience'

so looking at my desires 


desire to be healthy
 desire to be happy 
desire to eat tasty food
 desire for good smelling food 
desire for crunchy food 
 desire for the crispy crunchy sound
desire to survive as the mind character/personality

not realizing i am here as breath

in every moment

able to stop participating in my mind
able to face my fears and stop my desires

able to change and stand as self 
for what is best for all life

The Mathematics of
Giving Positive and Negative Mind Values vs  Giving Value Equal To Life

Physical Behavior:
Quesy stomach. looking away

I realized  the value i am  giving the cooked pumpkin  pie 

is a mind value which is not real

as i created it within my mind

as i connect the pumpkin pie to my fears

connecting the pumpkin pie's texture to 
 the texture of feces

giving the feces value equal to -10
(minus 1 being the least amount of negative energy experience
and -10 being the most amount of negative energy experience)

as i connect the texture of the 'pumpkin pie' to texture of feces as  'fear of feces'

(-1) fear of bad smell
(-2) fear of mushy texture
(-3) fear of bad taste
(-4) fear of bacteria
(-5) fear of excreted body waste 
(-6) fear of death
(-7) fear of sickness
(-8) fear of the virus 
(-9) fear of being useless
(-10)fear of being helpless

giving fat a value equal to -10

(minus 1 being the least amount of negative energy experience
and -10 being the most amount of negative energy experience)

as i connect the pumpkin pie to 'fear of getting fat' 

(-1) 'fear of not being desired'
(-2) 'fear of being inferior'

(-3) 'fear of not having a relationship'
(-4) ' fear of being alone'
(-5)  'fear of being sad'
(-6)  fear of being  not having sex
(-7) fear of not being able to dress up and attend events
(-8) fear of being useless
(-9)  fear of being helpless
(-10) 'fear of not existing as the mind character that i believe i am'

instead of 

giving the cooked pumpkin pie a value equal to Life

as in

Pumpkin pie = Life

as it is made of pumpkin 

which is a plant

as plants are a part of life so it has a value equal to Life

looking at the role of fat in the body

as Fat supports the physical body in maintaining temperature etc.

giving Fat a value = Life


I commit myself to when and as i see myself using the mind to manipulate the body to justify my desires within blame

I stop

I breathe

I realize that i am blaming the pumpkin pie for making my stomach quesy

in essence blaming the physical/substance

when it is me participating in my mind within fear

as the evil me resourcing substance transforming nutrients to energy

for use by the mind

So i am assisting myself to look at these fears

and accept and allow myself

 to establish an equal and one relationship with the physical body

and have real communication with/as the physical body 

to see what food it responds to

to assist the body to survive optimally

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