Living E-book

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Water Part 6: Living Without Needing To Eat Nor Drink: 'Is it possible?'

This is the 5th in a Series of Blogs

Are we really creating this world?
We mirror 'our within' - as the mind in 'our without' - as this world system

So i am doing self-forgiveness for accepting and allowing this and correcting myself in my living so instead of blaming everyone and everything in this world for the inequality in this world, i instead take self-responsibility for what i accepted and allowed as the creator of 'my within' as the mind - and the creator of my without' as this world system - creating this world through what we all accept and allow rather than questioning and investigating everything and taking that which is good - and use that to assist in creating a world that gives dignified life for all, realizing that what is best for all is also what is best for me.


Part 6

The Mind

Reaction Dimension Continued: 

In this blog, i am looking at my reaction:

Having a Relationship to Fear of Not Needing To Eat and Drink

What is Self-forgiveness?


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i can live without needing to eat nor drink and so test a breatharian diet that puts my body into extreme conditions where within that i did not see realize and understand that because i have created a mind world which is an illusionary world, i am not aware of how much my physical body suffers when and as i go into a long fast, the evil me residing in an alternate reality within my mind - deciding for my body from my mind rather than a commonsensical assessment of what is here -  seeing through my mind's eyes based on what can make me feel good and look good - believing that i will have eternal life and immortality through inedia/breatharianism (not eating and drinking for 3 1/2 days) instead of considering the consequential outflow of this throughout existence where i only consider what i want and desire for my own selfish interest rather than what is best for all . 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that people who eat and drink are limited instead of realizing that i am the breath within the body - and that it is important to see that for the body to move it requires nourishment like food and water to survive optimally - going in my mind imagining all illusionary scenarios that are not practical and is based on my illusionary perceptions of reality desiring immortality through inedia fueled by fear of not having eternal life  instead of realizing that i can face the fear and see the origin of it which is when i saw people suffering in the Philippines without anything to eat because of poverty.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i have to experience not eating nor drinking to know if it will give me a positive energy experiences and think about what it is like - instead of realizing i am not defined by energetic experience.

It is to realize that i can move myself and direct myself in every moment- without needing to create negative or positive energetic experiences.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see that through depriving my body of food and water, i am causing a lot of stress within my body.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to put my body into a lot of stress 
not realizing that the body is supporting me to express myself here - like a visitor being hosted by my body - as the breath within it, so i have to provide it nourishment and make sure that it accepts the kind and amount of food and water i give it .

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to let the water awaken to its full potential

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to develop an equal and one relationship with the skin of the body - instead of judging my skin as dry, then connecting it to a memory which i connected to what i fear.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to have an equal and one relationship with water.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that dry skin is less than life and hydrated skin is more than life - connecting dry skin to ugliness and connecting hydrated skin to beauty - instead of seeing and realizing that water is equal to life and the skin is equal to life - and that dryness is a signal that my body needs to be nourished with water paying attention to how much water it needs rather than how much my mind believe it needs based on my beliefs which are what i heard and read from others rather than from my own investigation - which is about investigating everything and questioning everything and getting that which is good.

I commit myself to when and as i see myself judging water and the substance within it - i stop, i breathe through the energy movements within my body, do a quick self-forgiveness and correct my practical application through expanding words equal to my expression and using it to express the story of how i use it to change my behavior in my practical correction.

I commit myself to when and as i see myself  change my mind about a decision, have a look at what real change is about and change my decision - changing my starting point from only taking into consideration my own self-interest to a starting point of what will benefit all concerned - as what is best for all is essentially what is best for me.

I commit myself to assist in establishing a world that gives dignified life for all where all eat and drink and provide nourishment for the body of all here to survive.

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