Living E-book

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Raw Food vs Cooked Food: The Mathematics of Feeling Light or Heavy Day 58 Fear

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In this blog, i am looking at 'feeling light' and 'feeling heavy' when eating raw food and cooked food. I am writing self-forgiveness statements to release the positive and negative charge i connected to raw food and cooked food within my mind and correct myself in my living.

The mathematical symbols and examples of mind values  will be highlighted using the color pink.

Note: The redefinition of the words cooked and raw will be done in blogs to come

Self=forgiveness Statements

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as 'fear of survival - as energy' fear feeling bad waking up in the morning believing that i feel heavy/bad from eating cooked food
the night before - desiring to eat raw food believing that when i eat raw food the day before
i feel light/good when i wake up in the morning defining myself within feeling light/good and feeling heavy/bad - instead of realizing it is me as the mind giving lightness a positive value and giving heaviness a negative value within my mind - within the belief that feeling light is good and feeling heavy is bad

Through this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to doubt who i am believing i split myself into 2 - the one feeling good and the one feeling bad - believing that the one feeling bad is the ego and the one feeling good is the self - instead of realizing that positive and negative energies are unnatural energies
 coming from the natural energies the body produce

Through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to  fear feeling bad as i programmed myself to thinking i have to feel good all the time believing that life is about happiness, looking good and feeling good and death is about sadness, looking bad and feeling bad.

Through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame the body/physical/substance of the fruit, vegetable, grains, nuts, seeds, the meat of animals and the body/physical/substance of the earth for making me feel bad believing that it has the power to either make me feel light or heavy - separating from them as i exist within my mind seeing the body/physical of vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, animal meat and the earth through my mind's eyes  looking at them according to how i experience myself when i eat them  - believing that when i feel heavy when i eat cooked food i should not eat cooked food believing  it is bad for the body and that when i feel light when i eat raw food i should eat raw food because it is good for the body - not seeing and realizing that i programmed myself to feel good when i eat raw food and to feel bad when i eat cooked food using the mind to manipulate the body to feel good or bad to justify my desires

Through this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give the excuse that i have to survive so i have to feel light and happy -and that i should eat raw foods because i feel light and happy when i eat it - and not eat cooked food because it makes me feel heavy - justifying this by saying ' i have to be whole' - believing that the split was real - within this, validating my experience of me feeling light wihen i eat raw food as real  - and my experience of feeling heavy when i eat cooked food as real - believing that 'if i experience it, its got to be REAL'  not seeing and realizing that i am living the fear of feeling heavy - that i experienced when i eat cooked foods in the past  and my experience of feeling light when i eat raw foods in the past  - in the present - defining myself within memories and experiences of/as the mind - and using the mind to manipulate the body to feel how i want to feel to justify my desires -and as the mind use unnatural positive and negative energy within my mind - the body is being resourced to transform natural energy produced by the body to unnatural positive and negative energy within my mind- the evil me, giving the body nourishment and then taking those nutrients back - for me to have a positive energy experience - for the mind to exist.


Commitment to Correction

I commit myself to when and as i see myself fearing survival 'as positive energy' - fearing to eat cooked food and desiring to eat raw food so i will feel light -  i stop - i breathe. I realized that i am the creator of my feelings and emotions and so i have to take self-responsibility to stop participating in the mind - so

I commit myself to assist myself to stabilize myself as breath before i eat - and change my starting point- from eating what i desire to eat - according to what will give me a positive energy experience to assist myself to accept and allow myself to eat seeing food as an equal - where i bring the food within myself standing equal with the food realizing that the body/physical of raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains etc. consist of cells that consist of atoms and the body/physical of cooked foods consist of cells that consist of atoms - equal to my body/physical which also consist of cells which consist of atoms -therefore we are equals,  so i commit myself to assist myself to accept and allow  me to eat according to what the body prefers and not what my mind prefers

I commit myself to assist myself to see that knowledge and information about food from scientific studies only discusses the structure of things and not the content as the how and the why it was created - acting as observers looking in -rather than see animals and plants as an equal, so it is for me to stop participating in  my mind and stop the noise in my mind  to 'here' (hear) what is here and see the fact that animals and plants are giving up their lives for the body to survive - so we have to stop participating in/as our mind - so we will not need to slaughter them for food nor profit.

I commit myself to assist myself to accept and allow me to develop an equal and one relationship with the body - seeing it as an equal - to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application assist myself to let go of the veil that stops me from seeing plants, animals, humans and matter as what they really are - as my equals - living this one life - assisting each other to establish a world that truly honors life based on equality.

The Mathematics of Giving Positive and Negative Values
Giving Value Equal to Life 

I realized that i have given these mind values  to cooked food and raw food 
and other words i connected it to

'morning = feeling good = +10
morning = feeling bad = -10

Raw Food = feeling light = +10
Cooked Food =  feeling heavy = -10

Ego = feeling bad = -10
Self = feeling good = +10

Life = happiness = feeling good = +10
Death = sadness = feeling bad = -10
Cooked noodles = feeling heavy = -10
Raw noodles = feeling light = +10
self= feeling light = feeling good= happiness = +10
ego = feeling heavy = feeling bad = sadness = -10

wholeness = self = feeling light = feeling good = happiness = +10

Eternal wholeness = eternal positivity = feeling light eternally = feeling good eternally = eternal happiness = Life 

Eternal happiness = no sadness
Past memory = present
Past memory = feeling bad eating cooked food = -10 
Present = feeling bad eating cooked food = -10

Past memory = feeling good eating raw food = +10 
Present =  feeling good eating raw food = +10
Past memory = Future
Past memory = feeling bad eating cooked food = -10 
Future = feeling bad eating cooked food = -10

Past memory = feeling good eating raw food = +10 
Future =  feeling good eating raw food = +10'

Not realizing that the values i have given raw food and cooked food are mind values
which are not real

so instead of giving these words mind values

I am giving raw foods value equal to Life
and cooked foods value equal to Life

Raw foods = Life
Cooked Foods = Life

Realizing that 
Raw foods as raw fruits, nuts, seeds, veggies etc. consist of cells which consist of atoms 
Cooked Foods as cooked veggies, nuts, seeds etc.consist of cells which consist of atoms

Realizing that the atoms the body of humans and nature consist of 
consist of substance which all life consist of

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