Living E-book

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

X-mas Mathematics: Pig: Pork Roast: Gravy or No Gravy: Day 43: Texture

Pork Roast: Fears

In this blog i am looking at the thick smooth texture of the gravy vs the thin runny texture of the pan drippings

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 

'as blame'

blame the physical/substance for differences in texture

as i like the texture of the thick body of the gravy more than 

the thin runny liquid texture of the pan juices extracted from the pork 

in a baked pork roast

as i wanted  everyone to have a positive energy experience

 from eating the baked pot roast with the thick smooth body of the gravy

believing that the thin runny liquid texture

will give everyone a

negative energy experience

not realizing we eat to assist the physical/body

to survive optimally

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed  myself

to project my belief to others


Mathematics of Giving Positive and Negative Values
Giving Values equal to Life

I realised i gave the thick smooth gravy a value more than life

and the thin runny pan juices of the pot roast a value less than life


as an example

Gravy = thick texture = everyone likes a thick gravy = positive energy experience = +10
Pan Juices of the Baked Pork Roast  = thin runny texture = no one likes pan juices by itself = negative energy experience = -10

instead of giving the gravy

and the pan juices of the baked pot roast

a value equal to Life

Thick Smooth Gravy = Life
Thin Runny Liquid Pot Roast Pan Juices = Life 

as all are made from the same
substance all are made of

Commitment to Correct Myself:

I commit myself to when and as i see myself 
blaming the physical/substance for differences in texture 
of bodies/manifestations

I stop

I Breathe

i realise this me as the mind 

differentiating between the thick texture of the 

gravy and the thin runny texture

of the pan juices of the baked pork roast

within and as my mind

in an alternate reality

which is not real

So, i assist myself to accept and allow me to 

see the equality

 in/as all bodies

in/as all textures

seeing the commonsense that all bodies/physical

are made from the same substance all are made of

as Life

I commit myself  

to stop giving a value more than

Life to the gravy

I commit myself to stop 

giving a value less than life

to the pan juices of the baked pot roast 

I commit myself to bring myself back HERE

and stabilize me as breath

slow myself down when attending an event

like Xmas and eat as awareness of me as breath HERE

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