Living E-book

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Animal Meat vs Veggie Meat: The Mathematics of Feeling Light and Heavy Day 59



Topic: Animal Meat vs Vegetable Meat

Why I Use Mathematics?
I am using mathematical symbols to show that the mind values i have given the words 
'animal meat and vegetarian meat' are not real and illustrate how giving values equal to life to all that is here is commonsensical.

Why am i using Self-forgiveness?

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as
'fear of surviving - as form:

where i fear dying
where i fear being sick
when i eat animal meat
and defend and protect that fear by not facing it 
instead, i look at the opposite polarity
desiring to eat vegetable meat to feel good about myself 
within my mind

fearing that when i eat cooked animal meat the night before
i will feel heavy the following morning
believing that the heavy feeling was bad
believing that when i eat vegetable meat the night before
i will feel light the next day
believing feeling light is good 
and that it will make me healthy and happy 

within this fear
I become unsure of myself
doubting who i am 
uncertain  whether i will eat animal meat or vegetable meat

unsure whether i want animal meat 
which i equated to good taste, weight gain, heavy feeling, sickness and death
or whether i want vegetable meat 
which i equated to bland taste, weightloss, light feeling, happiness and bliss

not realizing that who i am is not here
trapped within my mind as the personality/character
deciding based from positive and negative energy experiences

not realizing animal meat consists of cells which consist of atoms
and that, vegetable meat consist of cells which consist of atoms
therefore, animal meat and plant meat are equals 

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to doubt myself
and become uncertain of who i am
 within my mind 

imagining that when i continue eating vegetables all throughout my life 
this will give me a light feeling which essentially mean - a blissful life

believing that the body/physical of the animal - which is animal meat
will give me a negative energy experience

animal meat = will give me a negative energy experience = -10

believing that animal meat has negative energy as meat is in the process of decaying
after the animal is killed

animal meat = decay = negative energy = -10

believing that this negative energy will stop me from getting liberation and self-realization

negative energy from animal meat = no liberation from bondage of the ego = -100
negative energy from animal meat = no self-realization =-100

believing that animal meat is impure because it is dead
animal meat = dead - impure =-100

believing that animal meat consist of enzymes that facillitate decomposition after it is killed therefore it is toxic and has negative energy 
animal meat = toxic enzymes that decompose the body  = -100

believing that these toxic substances will make me sick- that will cause my death
animal meat = toxic substances = sickness = death = -100

believing that killing animals will give me karma
animal meat = killing animals to be able to survive = karma = -100

believing i will reincarnate to be killed by someone else  if i eat dead animal meat in this lifetime 
dead animal meat = karma = me reincarnating as an animal to be killed and to be eaten also by humans = -150

believing that this is too much for me to suffer 
pain and suffering = -100

and within this fear of suffering and pain
i desired to have a guru to save me or liberate me
from pain and suffering

guru = savior from pain and suffering = +100

so i will be free from this cycle of birth and death
guru = will free me from cycle of birth and death = +100

desiring liberation from the ego/mind
through not eating meat
liberation from ego = not eating animal meat = +100

believing that eating vegetarian food will
give me good karma because they have a simpler nervous system so suffers less pain than animals when killed
eating vegetarian food = good karma = plants suffers less pain = +10

believing that vegetables have a simple nervous system
believing that when i eat sentient vegetarian food
my karmic reaction will be less
plants = simple nervous system = karmic reaction less = +10

believing that because if i follow everything the guru told me
i will be liberated by the guru from the karmic cycle of birth 
and death and will have eternal life
guru = liberation from the karmic cycle = +100

believing that when i eat vegetarian food
i will  have the positive energy that comes from the vegetable meat
eating vegetarian food = positive energy = +10

believing that eating vegetarian food plus doing meditation and yoga postures
will give me bliss
eating vegetarian food + meditation + yoga postures = Bliss = +100

believing that i will be blessed by the guru if i eat vegetarian food
as i was following his command so when i die i will have eternal life
eating vegetarian food = following guru's command = eternal life = +1000

not seeing and realizing that i imagined these within my mind based from my beliefs
which looks real in as much as i use my mind to manipulate my body/physical
to  justify my desire for a positive energy experience
which is essentially animating an illusion

not realizing that the positive comes from the negative
not seeing what really happens when i participate in mind energetics
where the mind resource the body/physical
transforming substance to energy for the mind to exist
which is in essence giving the body nutrition and then taking it back
just for me to have a positive energy experience

then blaming the body/physical of animals/animal meat for creating animal meat and vegetable meat unequal - one making me feel heavy/bad
and one making me feel light /good
not realizing that it is me who is interpreting feeling heavy as bad and feeling light as good

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame this physical existence for creating animal meat and vegetable meat unequal
for making me feel bad/heavy
believing that when i feel it and experience it - it must be real
instead of realizing that i was the one believing  feeling heavy is bad
and feeling light as good
and i am the one using the mind to manipulate the body to justify my desire for feeling light/good
based from fear of sickness and death 
fearing eating animal meat 
fearing feeling heavy and believing it is bad
animating and manifesting an illusion/belief
with the excuse that i have to survive as positive energy 
 feeling light, happy and blissful all the time

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give the excuse that i have to survive
as positive energy - feeling light, happy, healthy and blissful all the time
and justifying that by saying
'I have to stop eating animal meat. 
I have to be a vegetarian because it will make me feel light, happy, healthy and blissful eternally'

instead of realizing that plants scream too 
when being killed in the food preparation process
we just can't hear it
as we are unable to tune in to that sound frequency
deafened by the noise within our own minds
stopping us from hearing (here-ing) what is HERE

Through this
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to justify my desire to feel good
believing that it is me as who i really am doing that

Instead of realizing that it is me within my mind 
as the character/personality
interpreting how i feel after i eat as good or bad based on my experience within what happened in the past as memory

believing that when i continue eating animal meat i will continue feeling bad
believing that when i stop eating meat and become a vegetarian i will feel good

Commitment Statement

I commit myself that when and as i see myself 
having fear of eating animal meat
i stop - i breathe
I realize that within this fear 
is me blaming this physical existence for  
creating animal meat as less than Life
and vegetable meat as more than Life
when it is me within my mind 
desiring to eat vegetable meat 
based on my fear of eating animal meat 
which i connected to sickness and death

I commit myself to show that 
the real solution
is establishing a world that truly honors life
based on equality
where we stop killing for food to survive
and stop killing for profit

The Mathematics of Giving Positive or Negative Values
Giving Values equal to Life

I realized that the values i gave to the words 'animal meat' and 'vegetarian meat'
were mind values 

where i equated 

eating animal meat to the following:

good taste = +10
weight gain = -10
heavy feeling = -10
sickness = -10
death = -100

and eating vegetable meat equals the following:

bland taste = -10
weight loss = +10
light feeling = =10
happiness = =10

where when i totaled the values i gave eating animal meat, it gave me a negative value
which equals a negative experience (-120):

good taste = +10
weight gain = -10
heavy feeling = -10
sickness = -10
death = -100

+10 -10 -10 -10 -100  
  -130 +10 = -120

where when i totaled the mind values i gave eating vegetable meat, 
it give me a positive mind value which equals a positive mind experience (+20):

where i equated eating vegetable meat with words which i defined within a positive or a negative value, as in the following:

weight loss  = +10
light feeling = +10
happiness    =+10
bland taste = -10

+10+10+10 -10+20
not realizing that these mind values are not real

I realized when i gave 'feeling good' a value equal to +10
I am giving 'feeling good' a value that is more than Life

and when i gave 'feeling bad' a value equal to -10
I am giving 'feeling bad' a value less than Life

as illustrated by the number line                    
Vegetable Meat
The number line

                            0= no charge = one can re-birth oneself as Life

Animal Meat
The number line

0 = no charge = one can re-birth oneself as Life


What i am going to do is acknowledge that 
the mind values i gave were imagined mind values 

to through self-forgiveness and self-correction
 i can release the positive or negative charge
 i gave the words vegetable meat (+) and animal meat (-) 
and give both a value equal to Life


'When one is dealing with the mind, one can show mathematical equations but when one step into the realm of birthing oneself as life - no more equations exist.' ED

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