Living E-book

Friday, July 5, 2013

Decoding The Mind of A Breatharian Day 121

In my past blogs, i am decoding my mind as a meat eater,
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian, 2x  raw foodist and a 3x raw foodist

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind As A 2x Meat Eater

I will bring My Memories Back Here of When I was A 2x Meat Eater 
and Look At it 
- See more at:

In my past blogs, i decoded my mind as a meat eater,
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian, 2x  raw foodist and a 3x raw foodist                   
and a 2x meat eater

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind When I Was Trying To Be Breatharian - Not Eating and Drinking for 3 1/2 days

I will bring My Memories Back Here and Look At it 

Pattern Number 12
The Mind of a *Breatharian:

*Someone experimenting on not eating food and not drinking water

Disclaimer:  This can be harmful for people to try. Getting advise from your doctor on what will assist your body to survive is recommended.

>Where i worked, they started a weight loss contest where i worked, competition is not good
>but i have to put my name in so i can show them my process and tell my workmates about it
>I did not want to sign up but i did sign up, let's see if i will lose weight
>I wanted to lose weight and plan to not eat and drink  -once a week for a start
>i did the fasting when i was doing yoga so i can do this
>i will be ahead in the competition if i do this
>but i should not compete because this is mind participation
>I will gradually do this until i am able to not eat nor drink for 3 1/2 days
>this fasting without water nor food once a week is doable
>then, i will gradually do this twice a week
>Initially, i will do  fasting for 2 1/2 days a week and then 3 1/2 consecutive days
>this is tough, i feel like i am dying and this is just  the first day
>this is amazing, i expected my body will be really tired today the second day
>but the body is slowly adopting to NOT eating nor drinking
>this is something weird
>let's see what happens when i stop eating nor drinking for 3 days
>my body is adjusting to not eating nor drinking - the body likes it?
>I can run fast
>what is happening? I am supposed to be run down by now and dead
>my body only wants to sleep for 2 hrs and has all the energy, this is strange
>throughout the day i can  do what needs to be done, now i have more time
>I also feel so light - lighter than when i was eating
>I am mesmerized by these new found 'feats'
>if majority of people eats food and i do not eat nor drink
>they should have more energy and i will be dying by now
>but i am alive and energized in a way that i have not felt before
>I must investigate this
>aside from my skin being dehydrated everything is okay
>i do not have big shit, my shit is like bird shit
>so this is what happens when one does not eat nor drink
>I fear being breatharian completely though
>because whatever happens i will not be supported by any one
>i am scared that i will be alone in this
>and when something happens to me
>no one knows what to do or how to treat me
>because there's not much research done yet about this
>I might die
>I better stop because B said this is energetic bullshit
>I don't know why but I will find out why, one day

My Fears and Desires:

Fear: Fear of competition -fear of losing
Desire: Desire to compete to win

Fear: Fear of  being fat
Desire: desire to lose weight

Fear: Fear of telling others my process
Desire: Desire to compete - to tell others about my process

Fear: Fear of fasting 2x a week - fear of taking it too fast
Desire: Desire to fast once a week in the beginning - desire to take it easy

Fear: Fear of doing difficult tasks - fear of dying
Desire: Desire to do easy tasks

Fear: Fear of being tired
Desire: Desire to not be tired

Fear: Fear of not knowing what will happen
Desire: Desire to know what will happen

Fear that my body will not adjust 
Desire to know why it is doing that

Fear that my body is adjusting to me not eating nor drinking
Desire to stay as the me that i am used to - eating and sleeping normally like everyone else

Fear that i am running slow - fear that i am inferior
Desire to run fast - desire to transcend my limitation

Fear of sleeping like normal people, having 6 hrs of sleep, where their lives is programmed like a robot 
Desire to sleep shorter hours and transcend the normal robotic predisposition to sleep 6 hrs a day

Fear of being inferior
Desire to be superior to others

Fear of not having time to do things i want to do
Desire to have a lot of time to do things i want to do 

Fear of feeling heavy
Desire to feel light

Fear of old normal things happening
Desire to do new things

Fear of others being right and me wrong
Desire to prove others wrong - and me right

Fear of feeling bored - fear of being un-energized

Desire to feel alive and energized

Fear of not investigating things
Desire to investigate things

Fear that everything is not okay
Desire for everything to be okay

Fear that my shit does not look normal - fear of not knowing if that's healthy or not - fear of the unfamiliar 
Desire to know what's healthy or not - having a big feces or small feces

Fear of death - fear surviving on air only
Desire to survive on solid and liquid food

Fear of not being supported - fear of doing things alone
Desire to be supported - desire to do things with others

Fear that others do not know how to assist me to survive - fear of death
Desire for others to know others will be able to assist me to survive - desire to survive

Fear that others will not value what i do - fear to do that which others think is wrong to do
Desire for others to value what i do - desire to do that which others think is right to do

*Note: In blogs to come, i will do self-forgiveness for my fears

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