Living E-book

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Decoding The Mind of A Vegan Day 73 Problem Solution

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 The Animals talking about how they reconstitute their body etc.

Looking at who i have become - as the mind, standing equal to it
and standing equal to the body - as all bodies in this world
realizing that i can only change that which i am equal to.

So, in this blog, i am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline

I saw repeating patterns as i jump from one diet to the next.

Let's look at My Mind As A Vegan

(taking no milk, no eggs, no animal meat etc.)

Pattern Number 3
Mind of a Vegan
>I attended a vegan get-together and saw a film
>>where the doctor took solidified fat inside a man's artery
>>> in the hospital there's lots of suffering people that are experiencing pain
>>>>being operated on is painful, as i had a memory of being operated on in the past
>>>>>being in the hospital makes me unable to move around or work
>>>>>>which is like stopping life
>>>>>>>why should i suffer the pain when i can avoid it by taking care of my health
>>>>>>>>sickness is unnatural, like a negative energy
>>>>>>>>>i definitely don't like to die as i have a lot of things to do on earth
>>>>>>>>>>I do not like that bland taste though
>>>>>>>>>>>The vegan cake tasted bland
>>>>>>>>>>>>i better just take that bland taste because that will make me healthy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>i know i can make that vegan food taste good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I really don't like to get sick nor go to the hospital
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>according to the doctor in the film milk can clog my arteries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i better turn vegan and adopt a vegan diet

This looks like a pattern - within a program

' illness sickness, disease, virus, bacteria, essentially had become physical
mini versions of the mind's systems as what the systems do unto the physical body
so essentially like the mind impulsing the physical body in terms of
turning against itself which is what bacteria, viruses, microorganisms
do that more and more evolvedwithin human civilization started doing
Interview at Eqafe

I defined myself into existence
programming myself through words spoken in the mind
creating myself through writing words, speaking words
and expressing myself through words 

In blogs to come
I will rewrite myself
To through writing, self-forgiveness  and self-corrective application 
stop sentences in the book i have written within myself  my whole life story in this book that is myself
reprogram myself
equal to and one with how i created myself
I will redefine words and forgive myself for connecting/defining words to/within other words  relating to this diet releasing my separation from words 
through giving it a positive or a negative value
I realized that the definition i give words 
is the way i will view myself, others and this world.

Looking at the Positive and Negative Values 
I Gave the Word 'Nutrition' 
Connecting/Defining it To/Within Other Words

The Word 'Nutrition':

The word 'Nutrition' connected to the word 'superfoods':

Redefining the word 'Nutrition':

Let's look at 

The negative energy  experience which is my memory of being in the hospital: 
Fear of getting sick

 I am getting a part of what was written above:

>>> in the hospital there's lots of suffering people that are experiencing pain
>>>>being operated on is painful, as i had a memory of being operated on in the past
>>>>>being in the hospital makes me unable to move around or work which is like stopping life

Decision To Eat Vegan Food, A Decision of Me as The Mind

I am getting a part of what was written above :
>>>>>>>>>>The vegan cake tasted bland
>>>>>>>>>>>anyway, i better just take that bland taste because that will make me healthy
>>>>>>>>>>>>i know i can make that vegan food taste good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>I really don't like to get sick nor go to the hospital
>>>>>>>>>>>>>according to the doctor in the film milk can clog my arteries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i better turn vegan and adopt a vegan diet


' your mind is that very system that manipulate, deceive and lie
to your very beingness to get your beingness to respond 
in a very particular specific way to the mind'  
Interview From Eqafe

Here, we can spot the fear.

What's The Fear?

Fear of being sick, fear of going to the hospital, fear of death

What is the Desire?

Desire to not get sick/Desire to be healthy

What Is the Decision?

To be Vegan

What is the'Momentary' Reward i get ?

'Happiness' within living a healthy life - not getting sick/not going to the hospital

A momentary feeling that i get addicted to which i wanted to prolong to a point where it will not end. That is what life means to me which is really limited within a polarity equation. It's like existing like a battery. One minute i am full of energy and one minute i am down where i make sure i am always charged - using food, spirituality, money, relationships etc.
So, i charge my battery to full capacity to have endless happiness and endless bliss. 

I ask myself these questions:

1. I s who i am defined by an positive and a negative energy experience?
2. Is my beingness trapped within this pattern?
3. Can i free my beingness from this trap?


'The energy of fear takes the physical body and so ones beingness into a resonant state of stress and tension and when one move ones sound in the self-forgiveness as a gentle soft depth, assist and support with that change of energy and its consequence to self stability in the physical body... '
'What is fascinating about desire is also its often or frequent attachment to fear in that one will be in a desire but at the same time there will be a fear as well in how one get into that internal conflict for a moment - i want to but i don't but i can't stop myself, oh and there i go and then one give in to the particular specific desire...'

From the Interview: When Desire becomes Overwhelming 


The Problem, Solution and Reward


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