Living E-book

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Paranoia of Breatharianism Day 123 Plants Make It Possible For Us To Breathe

Free Eqafe Interviews

In this blog, i am looking at my fear of survival 
and my desire to transcend it through becoming a 'Breatharian'
fearing survival and seeing breatharianism as a way of transcending that fear

To through self-forgiveness and self-corrective application in my living
stop the paranoia 
in 'my within' - as the mind
So, as i take self-responsibility in 'my within' - as the mind
take self-responsibility in 'my without' - as this world system
birth me here as equal to all that is birthed here - as Life 

What is self-forgiveness?

Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
participate in the design of fear of survival - as form - as air - as plants

fear i will be inferior if i do what everyone does

as in
gets hungry > eats food > survives

desiring to transcend hunger
by trying to not eat nor drink 
initially once a week and then for 3 1/2 days

so i will not not take self-responsibility for
poverty in this world
running away from my fear of being poor
believing that if i can survive without eating
i will not be controlled by money, by food, by hunger etc.

believing that in doing so, i will be superior to all those that work to eat to survive

instead of realizing breatharians take air as a form of nourishment
and that without plants all of us including breatharians will not have oxygen to breathe
so we are all equally responsible to face the consequence
of what we have accepted and allowed in this world of inequality

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
doubt who i am
the one who is inferior
working to eat to survive
as the one who works hard to earn money to buy food to survive
or the one who is superior
surviving even without money or without food just like the 'gurus'

fearing that when food runs out i will die
desiring to survive even without eating
so i can survive even when there's no money nor food

believing that if i become breatharian i will transcend my fear of survival
and become superior/superhuman

instead of realizing breatarians take air as a form of nourishment
and that without plants we will be breathing the same air we breathed out
realizing that without the body we will not be breathing
so we have to take self-responsibility
for everyone here - as all life
and assist in establishing a world where all will have food
as it is a human right
to have all the basic necessities to survive

realizing that we have to stop mind participation
as the body is being resourced for energy
for the mind to exist
just like a computer plugged to a socket on the wall
running on electricity
within this, the evil me
abusing the body
and instead of stopping the abuse
by stopping mind participation
the more i participate in my thoughts about becoming superhuman
while trying to transcend my fear of inferiority
running away from the fear of survival - the point that i have accepted and allowed

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the mind
through having thoughts about
being inferior as a human that eats and drink when hungry
believing i will be superhuman when i survive even without eating nor drinking 
without considering the abuse of the physical, the plants, nature etc.
within this mind participation

I  forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame the
poor for being poor
believing that if they transcend their fear of not having food to eat
they too will be able to become breatharian
and survive without eating nor drinking
believing that it has the potential to solve poverty on earth

instead of realizing that money is unequally distributed
and that i am justifying the inequality
rather than taking self-responsibility for the big gap between the rich and the poor - inequality

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame
the physical for creating hunger and poverty
fearing that when there's war and there's no food available
i will get hungry and die
desiring to become breatharian so i can transcend this fear of survival
believing that i am just responsible for my own survival
instead of realizing i am equal to all that is here
as we are all birthed in this one life
so i am responsible for the survival of all - as Life

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have the excuse that i have to survive as the superior human that survives even without eating nor drinking
fearing being poor
fearing having no money to buy food to eat to survive
desiring to be filthy rich
so i can transcend this fear
desiring to be a monk
so i can transcend this fear
desiring to be breatharian
so i can transcend the fear of survival
believing that if i become breatharian i will survive
even if i don't eat nor drink

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to
justify the excuse that i have to survive as a breatharian
fearing survival
desiring to transcend my fear of survival
to be whole
believing that if i survive even when i don't eat nor drink
i will not be a slave to money, food and hunger

instead of realizing that this is balance in polarity
as in
eating to survive > surviving even without eating

it is realizing that real wholeness
does not need separation from the source

I am here as breath
moving me
directing me
in every moment
as part of the whole - as all life

Friday, July 5, 2013

Paranoia of Eating Healthy Part 4: Fears: The Breatharian Diet : Day 122

In Part 3, i looked at the first problem which is:
The definition of words that we use are based from different people's point of views

In this blog, we will look at the second problem, which is:
Resonant State of Stress and Tension based from Fear

About Stress

First, i will look at my mind - my fears and desires, when i was trying to 'not eat' and 'not drink'
(while trying the Breatharian diet).

In the blogs to come I will explore my mind as i try other diets.

Here are the fears that i had when i was trying to experiment 'not eating' and 'not drinking' (when i was trying the Breatharian diet) which i did not want to look at - focused on satisfying my desires then facing the consequence outflow of what i accepted and allowed.

My Fears and Desires while Trying the Breatharian Diet:

Note: this is the link to my blog, 'Decoding The Mind of a Breatharian' where i saw my fears::

Fear: Fear of competition - fear of losing
Desire: Desire to win

Fear: Fear of  being fat
Desire: desire to lose weight

Fear: Fear of telling others my process
Desire: Desire to compete - to tell others about my process

Fear: Fear of fasting 2x a week - fear of taking it too fast
Desire: Desire to fast once a week in the beginning - desire to take it easy

Fear: Fear of doing difficult tasks - fear of dying
Desire: Desire to do easy tasks

Fear: Fear of being tired
Desire: Desire to not be tired

Fear: Fear of not knowing what will happen
Desire: Desire to know what will happen

Fear: Fear that my body will not adjust and fear that it is adjusting to me not eating nor drinking
Desire: Desire to know why the body is adjusting to 'not eating' when all my life i was eating

Fear: Fear that i am running slow - fear that i am inferior
Desire: Desire to run fast - desire to transcend my limitation

Fear: Fear of sleeping like normal people, having 6 hrs of sleep - fear of being inferior
Desire to sleep shorter hours - desire to be superior to others

Fear of not having time to do things i want to do
Desire to have a lot of time to do things i want to do 

Fear: Fear of feeling heavy
Desire: Desire to feel light

Fear: Fear of old normal things happening
Desire: Desire to do new things

Fear: Fear of others being right and me wrong
Desire: Desire to prove others wrong - and me right

Fear: Fear of feeling bored - fear of being un-energized
Desire: Desire to feel alive and energized

Fear: Fear of not investigating things
Desire: Desire to investigate things

Fear: Fear that everything is not okay
Desire: Desire for everything to be okay

Fear: Fear that my shit does not look normal - fear of not knowing if that's healthy or not - fear of the unfamiliar 
Desire: Desire to know what's healthy or not - having a big feces or small feces

Fear: Fear of death - fear surviving on air only
Desire: Desire to survive on solid and liquid food

Fear: Fear of not being supported - fear of doing things alone
Desire to be supported - desire to do things with others

Fear: Fear that others do not know how to assist me to survive - fear of death
Desire for others to know others will be able to assist me to survive - desire to survive

Fear: Fear that others will not value what i do - fear to do that which others think is wrong to do
Desire for others to value what i do - desire to do that which others think is right to do

While i felt light and was experiencing a sense of 'awe' seeing new things happening,  which i interpreted as 'awakening', i did not realize that within me is a ticking time bomb which can explode in any moment like an explosive that contains a great amount of energy that can produce a reaction (of emotion or feeling) if triggered by an external stimuli - a word etc.

Emotions, Feelings and Psychology

I did not realize that within me, i am compounding these fears and desires like a positive and a negative current that emits an electric charge - similar to when i charge a word with a positive or a negative value.

Within this conflict and friction in my mind, i also saw friction and conflict in 'my without'  as this world system. I saw inequality, self-interest and competition.

We perceive ourselves separate from each other and so we compete with one another.

We develop a relationship of 'like or dislike' (emotions and feelings) to one another in our personal relationships, in group relationships and in the 'bigger picture which is the relationship between countries. 

This conflict and friction in 'our within', where we compound our fears,  is the same friction and conflict we see in 'our without' - as this world system, where countries declare War to one another, in the name of competition and the desire for 'power'.

We have to look at the fears that are fuelling our desires -  realizing that the consequence outflow of not looking at our fears/compounding our fears and satisfying our desires is physical/body stress and conflict as war in 'our without'.

This is not what is best for all of us. This will not benefit us, 'individually' either.

The question is, 'when will we take self-responsibility?'

We exist in this moment. 

We move ourselves in every moment, breath by breath.

I suggest for us to start by moving ourself within writing a blog as this will assist us to see how what we created in our 'within' we create in our 'without'.

Decoding The Mind of A Breatharian Day 121

In my past blogs, i am decoding my mind as a meat eater,
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian, 2x  raw foodist and a 3x raw foodist

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind As A 2x Meat Eater

I will bring My Memories Back Here of When I was A 2x Meat Eater 
and Look At it 
- See more at:

In my past blogs, i decoded my mind as a meat eater,
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian, 2x  raw foodist and a 3x raw foodist                   
and a 2x meat eater

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind When I Was Trying To Be Breatharian - Not Eating and Drinking for 3 1/2 days

I will bring My Memories Back Here and Look At it 

Pattern Number 12
The Mind of a *Breatharian:

*Someone experimenting on not eating food and not drinking water

Disclaimer:  This can be harmful for people to try. Getting advise from your doctor on what will assist your body to survive is recommended.

>Where i worked, they started a weight loss contest where i worked, competition is not good
>but i have to put my name in so i can show them my process and tell my workmates about it
>I did not want to sign up but i did sign up, let's see if i will lose weight
>I wanted to lose weight and plan to not eat and drink  -once a week for a start
>i did the fasting when i was doing yoga so i can do this
>i will be ahead in the competition if i do this
>but i should not compete because this is mind participation
>I will gradually do this until i am able to not eat nor drink for 3 1/2 days
>this fasting without water nor food once a week is doable
>then, i will gradually do this twice a week
>Initially, i will do  fasting for 2 1/2 days a week and then 3 1/2 consecutive days
>this is tough, i feel like i am dying and this is just  the first day
>this is amazing, i expected my body will be really tired today the second day
>but the body is slowly adopting to NOT eating nor drinking
>this is something weird
>let's see what happens when i stop eating nor drinking for 3 days
>my body is adjusting to not eating nor drinking - the body likes it?
>I can run fast
>what is happening? I am supposed to be run down by now and dead
>my body only wants to sleep for 2 hrs and has all the energy, this is strange
>throughout the day i can  do what needs to be done, now i have more time
>I also feel so light - lighter than when i was eating
>I am mesmerized by these new found 'feats'
>if majority of people eats food and i do not eat nor drink
>they should have more energy and i will be dying by now
>but i am alive and energized in a way that i have not felt before
>I must investigate this
>aside from my skin being dehydrated everything is okay
>i do not have big shit, my shit is like bird shit
>so this is what happens when one does not eat nor drink
>I fear being breatharian completely though
>because whatever happens i will not be supported by any one
>i am scared that i will be alone in this
>and when something happens to me
>no one knows what to do or how to treat me
>because there's not much research done yet about this
>I might die
>I better stop because B said this is energetic bullshit
>I don't know why but I will find out why, one day

My Fears and Desires:

Fear: Fear of competition -fear of losing
Desire: Desire to compete to win

Fear: Fear of  being fat
Desire: desire to lose weight

Fear: Fear of telling others my process
Desire: Desire to compete - to tell others about my process

Fear: Fear of fasting 2x a week - fear of taking it too fast
Desire: Desire to fast once a week in the beginning - desire to take it easy

Fear: Fear of doing difficult tasks - fear of dying
Desire: Desire to do easy tasks

Fear: Fear of being tired
Desire: Desire to not be tired

Fear: Fear of not knowing what will happen
Desire: Desire to know what will happen

Fear that my body will not adjust 
Desire to know why it is doing that

Fear that my body is adjusting to me not eating nor drinking
Desire to stay as the me that i am used to - eating and sleeping normally like everyone else

Fear that i am running slow - fear that i am inferior
Desire to run fast - desire to transcend my limitation

Fear of sleeping like normal people, having 6 hrs of sleep, where their lives is programmed like a robot 
Desire to sleep shorter hours and transcend the normal robotic predisposition to sleep 6 hrs a day

Fear of being inferior
Desire to be superior to others

Fear of not having time to do things i want to do
Desire to have a lot of time to do things i want to do 

Fear of feeling heavy
Desire to feel light

Fear of old normal things happening
Desire to do new things

Fear of others being right and me wrong
Desire to prove others wrong - and me right

Fear of feeling bored - fear of being un-energized

Desire to feel alive and energized

Fear of not investigating things
Desire to investigate things

Fear that everything is not okay
Desire for everything to be okay

Fear that my shit does not look normal - fear of not knowing if that's healthy or not - fear of the unfamiliar 
Desire to know what's healthy or not - having a big feces or small feces

Fear of death - fear surviving on air only
Desire to survive on solid and liquid food

Fear of not being supported - fear of doing things alone
Desire to be supported - desire to do things with others

Fear that others do not know how to assist me to survive - fear of death
Desire for others to know others will be able to assist me to survive - desire to survive

Fear that others will not value what i do - fear to do that which others think is wrong to do
Desire for others to value what i do - desire to do that which others think is right to do

*Note: In blogs to come, i will do self-forgiveness for my fears

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Decoding The Mind of a 2x Meat Eater Day 120

In my past blogs, i am decoding my mind as a meat eater,
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian, 2x  raw foodist and a 3x raw foodist

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind As A 2x Meat Eater

I will bring My Memories Back Here of When I was A 2x Meat Eater 
and Look At it 

Pattern Number 11

The Mind of a 2x Meat Eater
>I have to see if meat is really not bad for me, as the interview revealed
> i do not have any reactions now
>before, just a little bit of meat and i get sick
>I do not understand this
>I gained weight, meat makes me fat
>my desire for all those meat dishes i ate before i became vegetarian came back
>it's good i can forgive myself for my desire for these tasty food
>otherwise i will be addicted to the taste of 'adobo', fried fish and 'sinigang na ulo ng salmon'
 (Filipino food)
>and then i will not stop eating them
>then i will get really fat
>i cannot have another relationship when that happens
>what will i do?

My Fears and Desires:

Fear: Fear of eating animal meat
Desire: Desire to eat vegetarian meat

Fear: Fear of  getting sick when i eat animal meat
Desire: desire to be well - desire to eat vege-meat

Fear: Fear of gaining weight from eating animal meat
Desire: Desire to lose weight from eating vege-meat

Fear: Fear of having desire for animal meat
Desire: Desire to have no desire for animal meat

Fear: Fear of not not having something to stop me from desiring animal meat
Desire: Desire to use self-forgiveness to stop the desire for animal meat

Fear: Fear of being addicted to the taste Filipino foods like  'adobo'. fried fish and 'sinigang na ulo ng salmon'
Desire: Desire to use self-forgiveness to stop me from addiction to eating Filipino foods like 'adobo', fried fish and 'sinigang na ulo ng salmon'.

Fear: Fear of getting fat - fear of men not being attracted to me - fear of not having a relationship
Desire: Desire to be slim - desire to attract a man and have a relationship

*Note: In blogs to come, i will do self-forgiveness for my fears

In my past blogs i was decoding my mind as a meat eater
cooked vegetariancooked veganraw foodistsungazer/liquidarian,
juice feaster, a fruitarian and a 2x  raw foodist

I am in a way hacking my mind
decrypting the codes of my mind

When i looked at my food programming timeline
I saw repeating patterns

Let's look at My Mind As A 3x Raw Foodist and A Breatharian Enthusiast

I will bring my memories back here of when i became a 'Breatharian Enthusiast' (One who survives on air (not drinking and eating) for 2 1/2 - 31/2 days a week) and when i had Breast Cancer (2008) and look at it, in this moment:

Mind Pattern Number 10

The Mind of a 3x Raw Foodist Investigating Breatharianism:

>I decided to eat raw foods again because i find my body really likes it
>>This man is breatharian and teaching personal fitness
>>>he said he does not eat nor drink for a year now. wow, he's still alive
>>>>he runs fast and works as a fitness trainor? Is that real, but how?
>>>>> it has to be true otherwise people will find out he's lying so he must be telling the truth
>>>>>>first thing i want to find out is where he’s getting all that energy?
>>>>>>> if he’s not eating and he still has that energy
>>>>>>>>there must be another source of energy other than food
>>>>>>>>>it must be from the life force
>>>>>>>>>>wow, then this is the way people really live
>>>>>>>>>>> what if our real diet is really 'no food' and our body does not really need food?
>>>>>>>>>>>>shit that means all of the healthy eating facts are not facts but are not true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>that is scary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that means that the scientists do not really know the body
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i want to see if that is really true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i want to experiment and see if that is really possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to live without eating and drinking?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>man, that is crazy but what if there is some truth in that?
>>>but i can’t try that because it is too difficult not to eat
>>>>i can get hungry and die
>>>>>I wanted to know if the body still has energy even when i do not eat food
>>>>>>i have investigated most of the healthy diets around so it is really something i want to find out
>>>>>>>in the internet, i read that there is a cell that does not require nutrition
>>>>>>>>fuck, there are even scientists who are practicing inedia/not eating
>>>>>>>>>not only that, there are about 100 people employed in normal businesses
>>>>>>>>>>who are practicing inedia
>>>>>>>>>>>and one of them is the scientist that discovered this cell that did not need nourishment
>>>>>>>>>>>>when i researched about inedia and breatharianism in the internet i found out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>there is really a cell that can survive even without nourishment
>>>if the proponent of inedia is Lao Tzu
>>>>and he just diappeared from the palace
>>>>>and that the last time they saw him
>>>>>>was when he was riding an animal
>>>>>>>he must have diappeared and became immortal
>>>>>>>>this is very interesting
>>>>>>>>>i really want to investigate this diet myself
>>>>>>>>>>because this can be the way to immortality

My Fears and Desires:

Fear: Fear of death
Desire: Desire to be immortal

Fear: Fear of not geting energy when i do not eat
Desire: Desire to have continuos energy supply with or without food

Fear: Fear of NOT finding out where the energy of the breatharian man comes from
Desire: Desire to find out where the breatharian man gets energy

*Note: In blogs to come, i will do self-forgiveness for my fears - See more at:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Redefining The Word 'Healthy' Day 119

Parenting:Perfecting The Human Race

In this blog, 
I am sounding the word 'healthy' 
to see how i hear the word within my mind 
how i gave the word a definition 
that is an interpretation of reality

I will redefine it to give it  a meaning 
equal to my expression
one that i can live
as who i am

The Word 'HEALTHY'


HE-ll in an ALT-ernate reality within the mind H-oping for a positive energy experience that Y-ou desire

Redefining The Word 'Healthy'
*redefining the word as equal to my expression as who i am - as someone standing for what is best for all - realizing that what is best for all is also what is best for me

The word 'Healthy' is about enjoying the condition of an organism or one of its parts in which it performs its vital functions normally or properly.

It is giving the body the nutrition it needs to survive optimally.

It is about developing an equal and one relationship with the body realizing i use it to express who i am here.

It is about developing an equal and one relationship with food

We have to realize that selecting what to eat
from the starting point of a belief that it has superior nutrition
than other foods  
or judging a food as having inferior nutrition
as per what we heard or read
giving certain food items a positive or a negative value
based on a belief
is an interpretation of reality
and not what reality really is

The reality is that resourcing the body for energy within mind participation - transforming physicality to energy, where we take from the body the nutrition it needs to survive, is not going to benefit all of us here,  as in this scenario we will be limited by the amount of money we have. So, it is equally important that we create a world that truly honors LIFE. one that is based on equality where survival is guaranteed.

Interpreting reality within our mind has consequence - in 'our within', as the mind and 'our without', as this world system. 

It does not benefit the body.

This process takes natural energy from the body, transforming it to unnatural energy for use by the mind. 

It only benefits the mind.

Giving the word a definition that is aligned to who we really are - as all that is here - as Life  is commonsensical as the definition we give words - is how we see ourselves, others and this world. 
Living the redefined meaning of this word will benefit all.

Redefining the Word 'EATING' Day 118

Parenting:Perfecting The Human Race
In this blog, 
I am sounding the word 'eating' 
to see how i hear the word within my mind 
how i gave the word a definition 
that is an interpretation reality

Then, I will redefine it to give it  a meaning 
equal to my expression
one that i can live
as who i am

The Word 'Eating'


E-nergy A-ttraction, T-ime travelling in the compartments of the mind while ING-esting food

Redefining The Word Eating
*redefining the word as equal to my expression as who i am - as someone standing for what is best for all - realizing that what is best for all is also what is best for me

The word 'eating' is the act of an entity that engages in the consumption or ingestion of food -taking it in through the mouth, chewing and swallowing to assist the body to get the nutrition/substance it needs to survive optimally.

This is necessary to meet the need of the changed physical design/structure that is a consequence of the mind - physical relationship.

We are in this physical existence with all that is birthed here, realizing that we create in 'our within' as the mind and in 'our without' as this world system.

We have to have a closer look at consumption/ingestion/eating itself. 

It is clear that no diet or food item is superior to any diet or food item

Rather than see breatharianism as superior as it is interpreted within ones mind as not eating,  and as a solution to hunger. We can see that even in breatharianism we still consume air. So, air is a food item for the breatharians and for those that are meat eaters, vegetarian, raw, fruitarian etc. 

At present, Air is polluted. Food is limited to those who have money.

Our survival has to be in the hands of people who cares equally for all so that any food we need to ingest will be available for all equally in a form that will support the body optimally.

The bottom line here is that we have to stop participating in the mind and create a world based on equality where survival is guaranteed.

We have to take self-responsibility for our fears, thoughts, desires etc.  so that  the body will not be resourced for energy and also support the body by establishing a world that supports survival for all where the health of all does not depend on whether we have the means or not.

Within the resourcing of the physical/body for energy,  we can see that this has an effect to the environment and nature as a whole. 

Change starts from within - a change that aligns to or supports that internal change is inevitable, otherwise, we will be coping rather than living.

Giving the word a definition that is aligned to who we really are - as all that is here - as Life is commonsensical as the definition we give words - is how we see ourselves, others and this world. 

Living the redefined meaning of this word will benefit all.