Living E-book

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Wheat Plant and Me: Living as Equals: Nature and The Earth Day 4


The  Interview With Animals

This is a Continuation of this Blog:

I was looking at some videos about how the wheat plant is planted and how it grows .

Here is what wikipedia says about the wheat plant:

Here's a video about planting and harvesting wheat:

I saw a common point 'between' the Wheat plant and Me:

I realised that the Wheat plant needs nutrients to grow

My body as well, needs nutrients to survive

The reality is :

We are equally nourished by the earth and nature

Here, i saw the commonsense of living as Equals.

The question i ask myself is,

Why am i eating to get a 'positive energy experience'out of it, missing the point of living as equal to all that is here, as per a real physical equal relationship agreement between me,the wheat plant and all plants for that matter, animals, other humans, all organisms, nature, and the earth?

Why am i operating from a point of self-interest instead of what is best for all?

Why not stop?

Why am i only focused on getting a 'positive energy experience' so i can be happy as a mind character instead of looking at the real relationship agreement 'between' the body, nature, the earth, plants, animals and me, honoring that, and eating, as who i am as 'part of' the whole - as life?

Am i not coming from self-interest when i eat, preoccupied within my mind- 'desiring to look good and feel good', lost in the mind within my beliefs about what food to eat or not eat, based on what will make me 'look good and feel good', 'unaware' of me as the breath, 'unaware' of this real physical equal living agreement that exist 'between' me and the body, the earth, the plants, the animals and nature ?

Isn't it commonsensical to eat according to what the body needs instead of what i desire within my mind as a mind character/personality 'wanting to be happy',  to eat according to what will make me 'look good and feel good'?

Isn't it commonsensical to eat in awareness of me, equal to what i eat?

Isn't it commonsensical to establish a clear communication line with the body and stop being directed by me as the mind within my 'mind chatter' - so i get a clear feedback on what the body needs?

Isn't my 'unawareness' coming from a point of not wanting to see nor take responsibility for me as a part of that whole - that is Life, separating me from what is here, seeing only what i see within my mind, where i only see the energy relationships, as 'positive energy experiences and negative energy experiences' based on my experiences within a memory - where i see the body, the wheat plant and nature separate from me, forming a relationship with them within my mind - making them a source of my 'positive energy experience' as 'my happiness', and not see what is here - as who i really am - as part of the whole - that is life - able to live as equals - in a world that truly honors life?

Isn't my awareness - a 'separation awareness' - where i go within my mind and think, imagine, react etc to earth, nature the wheat plant, and all plants and animals for that matter, missing what is here, as who i am , made from the same physical/substance they/all are made of?

Isn't my understanding of animals, nature, the earth, the wheat plant to how i defined me within my beliefs, ideas, desires, fears etc.?

Releasing Myself from the Relationships i Formed Within my Mind
as a Mind Character/Personality

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be 'unaware' of how the food i eat arrive at my table, their origin as much as my origin, as i miss the point of equality with/as life. So, i commit myself to assist myself to see who i have become by walking back and looking at how i created my fears, my desires etc. and release myself from what i have created myself to be and become through writing, self-forgiveness and correct myself in my application to recreate myself as someone who can be trusted to always stand for what is best for all, and see that the 'unawareness' comes from me being entertained within my mind of desiring 'positive energy experiences'  - to instead  be aware and face my fears, self-forgiving, correcting and applying myself here as life - an when i am eating,  be aware of the fact that i am 'unaware' of how the food arrived at my table - in as much as i am desiring a 'positive energy experience from the food i eat' entertaining myself  on the table instead of being here aware as who i am as the breath, eating.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to come from a point of self-interest where i only eat to make myself look 'good and feel good' and within this be unaware of the different organisms, plants, animals living on earth that is part of nature, of Life - only seeking a 'positive energy experience' when i eat - not realizing i am a part of the whole - as Life. So, i commit myself to when i am coming from a point of self-interest, assist myself to change my starting point and decide from the basis of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to limit my understanding of nature, animals, plants etc. to how i defined me within my beliefs, fears, desires etc. So i commit myself to assist myself to release the self-definitions i formed based on my beliefs, desires etc. within myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to exist in separation awareness looking at life 'through a veil', using the mind as a filter, standing in separation of me, as life in an alternate reality within my mind - instead of me being aware of me as who i am as life. So, i commit myself to when i see myself writing or speaking from a point of separation, i stop - i breath and bring me back here to who i am as breath and assist myself to accept and allow me to see myself as who i am as life, equal to all that is here - redefining words that i use, using words as equal to my expression, as who i really am, standing on a a stable platform as equal to all, standing for what is best for all, within what i write, speak and do.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to eat 'unaware' of me as equal to what i eat - as i am directed by me as the mind, in an alternate reality, thinking, reacting i eat, in an alternate reality, experiencing what i desire to experience, using the mind instead of me being aware breath by breath moment by moment as who i am here equal to what i eat, in a real relationship agreement with plants, animals, nature, the earth etc.So i commit myself to assist myself to accept and allow me to see the equality of/as life, to through writing, self-forgiveness and commitment to correction assist me to birth me, as the real physical character, as the flesh, as the blood, doing things i have to do from an 'equality as life' platform standing for what is best for all which is essentially what is best for me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not take self-responsibility to create a clear 'communication line' with the body as to what it needs to survive optimally, and instead, separate from it by going within my mind to fear, desire, react to food based on my beliefs, judgments etc.- deciding for the body within my mind, instead of the body deciding for itself and allowing me to see how the body responds to food without my desires, fears, beliefs, judgments, reactions etc.'getting in the way'. So i commit myself to through writing, self-forgiveness and commitment to correct myself breath by breath moment by moment in what i write, say or do, and to accept and allow myself to equalize with the body to develop a 'clear communication line' with/as it, providing it with the nourishment it needs.

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