Living E-book

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cooked Pumpkin Pie Mathematics Day 33: Fear of Getting Fat


In this blog, i am looking at my fears, thoughts, imaginations, backchats , reactions, behavior etc. when i see a pumpkin pie,  as it i connected the word pumpkin to the word pumpkin pie and gave it a negative value in my blog - to through writing, self-forgiveness and correction in my living application, i can assist myself to create an equal and one relationship with the pumpkin.

Let's start by  looking at my thoughts when i see a pumpkin pie on the table:

Thought (Conscious mind)

 'The picture of 'the fat me' eating a pumpkin pie' 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself

 to think the thought of the fat me eating a pumpkin pie

where in this picture within my mind

in this one thought

 i am activating a character/personality

blaming the pumpkin pie 

believing it will make me fat

not seeing the fact 

that the pumpkin pie is made out of cells, made of atoms

that is made from the same substance my body is made of 

made from the same substance the animal's body is made of 

made from the same substance the body of nature is made of

where,  when i see a cooked pumpkin pie 

during thanksgiving

instead of seeing who i am as equal to the body of the pumpkin

i think thoughts within my mind

in an alternate reality 

where I created an alternate version of myself 

where this one thought activates a character within my mind (as the pumpkin pie character / alternate version of myself)

where i have now created a relationship with the 
the pumpkin pie (essentially the pumpkin also)

blaming the physical
blaming the pumpkin pie 

instead of establishing a real relationship with my body

and communicating to it as an equal

regarding what food will assist it for optimum survival

 for a stable weight


I realized 

i gave the pumpkin pie a negative value 
pumpkin pie = -1

I gave fat a negative value 
fat = -1

instead of giving the pumpkin value equal to  Life
pumpkin = Life

instead of giving the pumpkin pie a value equal to Life
fat = Life


Commitment to Correction
I commit myself to when and as i see myself thinking 'This will make me fat'  when i see a pumpkin pie 
I stop

 I breath

I realize that I have within this one thought activate a personality/character

which I created in my mind

when the real me as the physical/body equal to the body of nature, plants, animals etc. is here in every moment of breath

as my awareness as who I have become as this mind character deflates/lessens the value of the pumpkin pie as I connect the word pumpkin pie with the word fat

Giving the pumpkin pie a value equal to -1

as in

pumpkin pie = -1

as I connected it to the word fat

fat = -1

*instead of realizing fat has a value equal to Life 

as it serves in structural and metabolic functions of the body

assisting the body to survive

fat = Life

*instead of realizing that the pumpkin pie has a value equal to life

as in

pumpkin pie = Life

as it is made from plants that came from the earth

where my body/physical is made from the same substance the body of plants, the body of animals , the body of nature came from

equal to all that is here


So,  instead of deflating the value of the pumpkin pie

I am assisting myself to accept and allow myself to see who I really am

as equal to the body/physical/substance

and see what the real value of all Life

in this physical existence


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