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This is a Continuation of this Blog http://foodandnutritionjunejourneytolife.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-word-pumpkin-connected-to.html
Let's look at the Pumpkin
In this blog i am looking at the value i assign vegetables (pumpkins) and humans based from the common sense that we are all here living this one Life
I see the pumpkin's body as equal to my body as equal to the body of nature etc., in/as substance
So, let's represent that with this statement
(Vegetables) Pumpkin's Body = Life
I am a human, and i see my body/physical as equal to the body of the pumpkin, as equal to the body of nature etc., in/as substance
It has a value equal to Life
(Humans) My Body = Life
Since we are all parts of life, it is common sense to stand for what is best for all Life
Human Body = (pumpkin's) Plant's Body = Animal's Body = Body of Nature = Life
This is a number line
Let's say 0 represents the physical value of
pumpkins and humans
0 - Body of Pumpkin
0 - Body of Humans
Let's look at the value i give a pumpkin during Thanksgiving:
The value i give a pumpkin during Thanksgiving is 'more than' it's real value
I connected it to 'something that will give me happiness'
Let's look at the things that i connected to Thanksgiving that 'gives me happiness'
1. Eating tasty food (depends on what food)
2. People/Family/Friends gather
3. Relaxing/Not working
Pumpkins are 'not just a vegetable' to me during Thanksgiving.
It 'becomes something else - that has a value greater than' it's physical/substance value
So, from
Pumpkin's body = Life
The Mind value increased because of the perceived
'desire for happiness' being fulfilled through food, family and relaxation
Let's have a look:
Pumpkin = Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving = Food
which from a scale of 0 to10 i will give
Food, a value of +8
Food = +8
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
as i value being able to eat tasty food that much
Thanksgiving = Family
= Family = +7
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
as i value being able to exchange laughter with family and friends during Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving = Relaxing
= Relaxing = +10
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
as i value being able to relax on holidays because i do not have to work
Here, it is clear that
my mind gives the pumpkin more value during Thanksgiving
changing its value from 0 to something more than its real physical value
( +7, +8 , and +10)
But this is a value i gave it within my mind
This is not the real value of a pumpkin
This is the mind concept of the value of the pumpkin
The Real value of the body/physical of the pumpkin = Life
This is me inflating the value of the pumpkin which is not real
This is me as the mind as who i have become
'not who i am' as the body/physical
equal to the body of the pumpkin, the body of nature, the body of animals -as all life
I will write self-forgiveness statements in the next blog for creating a mental concept of the pumpkin within/as my mind
cool June, way to go..!!