Living E-book

Friday, November 23, 2012

Texture of the Pumpkin and Feces 2: Pumpkin Mathematics Day 32 Imagination Dimension


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I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself

 to imagine the cooked mushy pumpkin

 as a mushy feces within my mind

giving a mind value to the pumpkin equal to- 10
(-1 being the texture having the least resemblance to the texture of feces and -10 having the most resemblance to the texture of feces)

as in

cooked mushy pumpkin texture = -10

where when I connected the mushy texture of the pumpkin

 to the mushy texture of feces

and imagined it within my mind --

I deflated the real value of the pumpkin


pumpkin value = - 10

as I connected it to the mushy texture of feces

not seeing

the real value of the pumpkin


pumpkin value = Life


Commitment to Correction

I commit myself to when and as I see myself

imagining a picture of feces

within my mind

when I see the texture of cooked mushy pumpkin

I stop

I breathe

I realized I connected the texture of the pumpkin

with the texture of the feces

and as I associate the feces with bad odor

I deflated the value of the feces to -10

(-1 having the least bad odor and -10 having the most bad odor)

which deflated the value of the pumpkin to -10

as I equated it to the feces

and as I connected the texture of the pumpkin to the feces
as me as the mind connects the feces to sickness and death
 the value of the pumpkin 'deflates further'
I then create a relationship with the pumpkin 
and experience the pumpkin in a 'negative way'
Not realizing that this is me living the definition (value) i gave the pumpkin
which is not real as the real value of the pumpkin = Life
thus, using the mind to manipulate the body
by physically reacting with disgust
hands open palms pushing the cooked mushy pumpkin away
and saying 'yuck'
(I will write about the behavior dimension in the coming blogs)
So, I assist myself to accept and allow myself to see the real value of the pumpkin and
create a real relationship with it
seeing it as an equal
the body of Pumpkin = Life
the body of Nature = Life
the body of Humans = Life
the body of Animals = Life
- as all


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